Management headquarter Archimede Solar Energy
Construction of facade
Studio Maryfil - arch. Paolo verducci
Description of the project
The perfect marriage between steel and glass, engineering and innovation has displayed its maximum expression in the construction of the ASE (Archimede Solar Energy) office building in locality Massa Martana (Perugia), a highly technological project accomplished by Lorenzon E&T based on a design supplied by the architect. The structure presents a facade facing south entirely lined by glasses, entirely supported by an elegant carpentry built manually so to create a special ray curvature and thus comply with the request from the client. An ambitious project, the new headquarter of ASE is fitted with an innovative system of ventilation completely automated and based mainly on cells on the facade built by Lorenzon E&T, capable of supplying the heating performances, preventing shocks and dissipations beaten the indoor and outdoor thanks to the technologies utilised for their construction. Once started, the ventilation system is practically self-governing and capable of self-adjusting itself based on the external climate changes and based on the presence of personnel inside the facilities. The user has a marginal role and can interact with the system through a touch-screen interface. In this complex system the cells on the facade by Lorenzon E&T perform a fundamental role: in fact, the base window elements are fitted with electric motor and can be moved based on the external climate conditions, all aimed at maintaining an indoor temperature of 28 °C during hot seasons. The entire “plant” is coupled with an “external” geothermic (underground) exchanger where, through interred pipes, the constant ground temperature is utilised (geothermal gradient) in order to convey forced air inside the offices previously heated or cooled (based on the seasons) through an exchanger. Thus the entire building is completely insulated from the external environment thanks also to thermal joints installed on the cover which prevent thermal bridges between indoor and outdoor facilities.